Liam, Alona, RJ, Aiden
We’re the Malacas Family. We’re also an autism family. We have two boys with autism, Romulo “Aiden” and “Liam” Rylee.
Aiden just turned 10 this year. He is nonverbal yet very sweet and loving. He isn’t into social interaction so when he’s around people, he prefers to play by himself, look at books, and his favorite, be on his phone and listen to YouTube videos. He very much loves tickles, and a little bit of roughhousing plays. He’s a picky eater, but for the past couple of years, we’ve added pizza, chicken nuggets, etc.
Liam will be 7 this July. He is somewhat verbal, (we just learned about the term – preverbal) and he actually thrives for attention. He can read words, and sing songs from tv and books, but you can’t really have a conversation with him (although he’s getting better at this). If he wants something he’ll say a word or two but lately we’ve been hearing more than two words out of him. He also have echolalia, sometimes he just repeats whatever we ask him.
About us, the parents, well we basically will do anything to make our kids happy!